The Benefits of Adopting Pets for your Family

Did you know that owning pets provides benefits for the entire family? While most people’s minds immediately think about dogs and cats, other animals such as rabbits, fish, and birds can also make wonderful companions for the right owners. The following information will discuss the benefits of adopting pets for the family. 

A Quick Overview of Pets and People

According to the Centers for Disease Control, owning pets provides lots of health benefits. For starters, pets can increase exercise levels and help people get outside and meet new people. Playing with pets and taking them on walks can help lower cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure. Pets can also help quell loneliness and lower the effects of depression by providing genuine love and companionship. 

In fact, scientists have been studying the correlations between humans and animals for over 35-years. And their controlled research has shown that owning pets can: 

  • Provide social support
  • Buffer stress
  • Help people get in shape
  • Lower heart rate and blood pressure
  • Prevent certain illnesses

The Benefits of Adopting Pets for the Family

However, the benefits don’t stop there. Here are some other benefits of adopting pets for the family: 

Pets May Prevent Allergies

While one may think that people who are prone to allergies should avoid owning pets, this is not always the case, and this is especially true for children. Sure, it’s no guarantee that owning an animal will prevent a child from developing allergies, but evidence suggests that dander from the fur might help. Alternatively, if a person has known allergies to dogs or cats, it will not help provide immunity, so adopting a pet, in this case, will do more harm than good. 

Heart Attack Survivors May Live Longer

Research conducted by the American Journal of Cardiology suggests that owning pets may help heart attack victims live longer lives. In fact, owning a dog is one of the best medicines for those living in a post-heart attack world. During their study, they found that following a major heart attack, only one participant who owned a dog passed away. 

Animals Teach Children Many Important Skills

When it comes to owning pets, the people who tend to benefit the most are children. Not only do animals, especially dogs, teach children concepts such as responsibility, trust, and compassion, but they can also help children with: 

  • Learning about grief and the bereavement process. 
  • Respect and recognizing boundaries.
  • Increased self-esteem.
  • Learning loyalty, patience, empathy, and other social skills.
  • Providing motivation and increased physical activity

Ease the Parenting Process for Parents of Children with ADHD

Furthermore, parents of children with ADHD may be torn between giving medication and not medicating. According to a study conducted by the Journal of Attention Disorder, children who go through a treatment known as canine-assisted intervention can grow up to have better social interactions, increased prosocial behaviors, and a reduction in “bad behavior,” more so than children who are treated with other cognitive-behavioral techniques. 

Pets Help People Cope with Trauma

By now, nearly everyone has seen at least one video of a soldier being reunited with a dog. But this reconnection is more than simply puppy love, as being around pets can help soothe people who have PTSD. In 2012, a pilot program was created by Walter Reed Memorial Hospital to use trained therapy canines to help rehabilitate soldiers suffering from this disease. 

They Add Structure and Routine to Life

Nowadays, many people could benefit from adding structure and routine to their lives, and pets are great for helping with this. While the same can be true for any type of pet, it’s especially true where dogs are concerned. Just think, dogs require a regular exercise and feeding schedule, so the owner must maintain a consistent routine to ensure the animal remains calm and balanced. Regardless of what mood a person is experiencing, from stressed or anxious to depressed, the person can take one look at their pet and feel well enough to get out of bed and provide care for the animal. 

In the end, pets make wonderful additions to the family. They provide long-lasting friendships that a person will remember for a lifetime and provide so many health benefits that it makes all the care and cleaning well worth it. So, if you’re on the fence about adding a pet to your home, go ahead and take the leap – you’ll be happy you did!
