10 Leading Weight Loss Trends in 2021

We hear about new weight loss trends emerging almost every year. Some rise and crash, but some are here to stay for a long time. Depending on how well the diets are adapted to the modern lifestyle and fast living, some truly set the tone for a healthy living standard, valiantly fighting obesity and being overweight.

With the pandemic locking us in and shifting our focus towards excessive snacking and more cooking activities; weight reduction takes over the spotlight in 2021. Unfortunately, the trend of connecting losing weight with starving yourself is still popular. Yet, to clear the confusion, dieting means adopting a new healthy lifestyle that will help you safely reduce your weight. Contrary to popular opinions, no, you don’t have to starve. In fact, nowadays there are so many diet trends that are fitted to any way of living and for any body type or metabolism. Not only do they create a healthy eating habit, but proper diets strengthen cardiovascular activities and level up the whole body’s performance! To add to your amazement, diets have proven to improve your emotional wellbeing and boost confidence! 

Interested in losing weight? Good! Because we have compiled a list of the newest tips & weight loss trends in 2021 that are already setting strong foundations for healthy living. 

  1. Mediterranean Diet

Even though this lifestyle diet isn’t all that new, it is constantly in the spotlight as one of the best ways to lead a healthy life and reduce weight. The Mediterranean approach that encompasses Italian, Greek, Spanish, and French coastal culinary habits; has proven to be one of the most popular choices and being number one in the weight loss trends. But why is it so popular? Well, in short, it doesn’t include following harsh rules – this diet is about eating mindfully and smart. Instead of counting calories, it teaches that it is important what you eat that will make an impact on your weight and health. Think more in terms of eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, seafood, seeds; but also consumption of nutritive fats from nuts, avocado, olive oil, and a moderate amount of wine! Fantastic right? While on this diet it is recommended to stay clear of processed meat, processed food in general, sugars, and trans fat. That only rule will definitely improve your overall health, with an accent to lowering the chances of heart attacks, diabetes, or strokes. Not only it is great for weight reduction but it boosts overall body performance. Although for faster results, it is recommended to more or less keep the daily intake of calories to 1500. By eating plentiful vegetables and fruits, you will feel full and not starved at all. If you don’t count calories, it is estimated that the weight loss can be up to 10% of body mass in a period of one year. The best news? What is lost won’t come back!

  1. Intermittent fasting

A refreshing approach that focuses mainly on WHEN not WHAT. Intermittent fasting is all about when you should eat and in which time frame. The basic way is 16:8 – 16 hours of fasting and eating within the 8 hour period. Some might say that it is a way to create an eating pattern and not exactly a diet, yet all diets are about creating some kind of pattern in daily habits. What the fasting includes or better said – excludes, is the breakfast. Shocker right? Many would say that breakfast is the most important meal but this lifestyle begs to differ. In fact, in the morning the body has its own way of burning extra fat and doing its magic. So if you break the fast with breakfast (pun intended), you will disrupt the natural process. Intermittent fasting recommends postponing and having lunch directly. If you have the meal at noon, then you are allowed to eat in the next 8 hours but without unnecessary snacking. For best results when it comes to losing weight, we recommend an 18:6 or 20:4 pattern that will narrow the time when you are eating so your body has more space to burn extra fat. Before breakfast, you can have your coffee ritual but unsweetened. Remember that reducing your sugar impact will have great benefits for your health and give extraordinary results with any diet.

  1. Dash Diet

DASH stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension. Because more people have problems with hypertension and heart conditions, this Dash diet was born with the sole purpose to elevate the health of those who are prone to consuming more saturated fats. The key elements are focused on low-fat and low-sodium, replacing processed foods with nutritious. It is also recommended to limit the intake of red meat and alcohol. Furthermore, this approach suggests that exercising for 2 and a half hours per week will greatly improve the chances of losing fat. If you or someone that you know has heart conditions, this diet would be perfect for them, limiting their intake of sugars and saturated fats in general.

  1. Flexitarian Diet

If you are already thinking that this is a vegetarian-based lifestyle only, you couldn’t be more wrong! Even though the diet includes intake of vegetables as much as possible, it doesn’t restrict other foods, not even meat. The key is to incorporate a vegetarian kind of way that will also include moderate intake of other calories and foods. By following a meal plan that has the 3-4-5 program, your calorie consumption will be as follows: 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 500 for dinner. In between, you will be able to snack on something that has up to 150 calories, making a total sum of 1500 daily. The Flexitarian diet is perfect for you if you aren’t a great fan of meat and just love veggies. Plus it doesn’t follow a strict schedule, you will be able to mix and match recipes!

  1. Vegan Diet

This weight loss trend is going strong as the years pass. Some people might be terrified of the term Vegan and not eating dairy, eggs, and meat. This of course is a way of life that will also result in losing weight. Indeed, some choose this from an ethical point of view but many also discover a possibility for weight reduction. But in order to achieve that, you must also reduce the intake of sugars, even pasta – since all those variants are with high calories and won’t necessarily help you lose weight even if you are vegan! If you are that person who approaches this lifestyle with both reasons, ethical and weight loss, then congratulations! You will be most likely to stick to it because the moral values will keep you alert.

  1. Volumetrics Diet

Many consider this to be a leading diet concerning the weight loss trends in 2021. The simple reason behind it is that it includes consuming food that gives high energy and has high nutrition while staying low in calories! Sounds incredible right? The meal plans include a generous intake of fresh vegetables & fruits, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. This diet is more about what you eat, knowing the food, and knowing its nutritive value. What you have to have in mind is that this diet will NOT exclude other foods like other diets, it will only give you a high focus on moderation. Of course, eating less processed and unhealthy food is something that is encouraged for losing weight.

  1. Nordic Diet

Quite far in terms of geography but very close to the Mediterranean Diet! The nordic approach has been taking its stand in the weight loss trends and it is definitely one of the most popular choices in 2021. Similarly, it includes the intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables and a high focus on lean proteins that are found in the sea. Naturally, olive oil is replaced with canola oil that is exuberant in omega 3 and monounsaturated fats! But there is also a punchline. You are allowed to eat snacks like crackers that are made of whole grains but are amazingly tasty! The diet will lower your cholesterol, inflammation and prevent heart diseases. However, we understand that not everyone is a fan of seafood. If you are one of those people then this diet won’t be suitable for you and we would recommend selecting another weight reduction program!

  1. Keto Diet

We know, every time you go online whether on Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram; you will see so many posts about this diet! It has been here quite a while and continues to rate high in the weight loss trends in 2021. Why is it so popular you ask? Well, you are allowed to eat meat and many kinds of dairies like butter and cheese – and who doesn’t just love those! There is naturally a catch and that is a restriction of sugar consumption, even from fruits! The essentials include replacing your carbs with fat and protein. There is also a lot of controversy about this diet, mainly because not eating fruits won’t get you needed vitamins, and others think that it is not really weight loss but water loss. Even so, there are many who find it suitable for their lifestyle, resulting in massive weight reduction in a short amount of time. Yes, it is very popular but highly restrictive and we wouldn’t recommend it for people who can’t stick to rules. It isn’t also suitable for those with heart or kidney diseases – keto involves a lot of fat consumption.

  1. Paleo Diet

Another popular choice when it comes to the weight loss trends, still going strong even after a decade! Without a doubt, this is one of those weight reduction diets that will be dominant in the foreseeable future. With its meal plan, you will be able to enjoy chicken meat and fish, along with nuts and berries. What is highlighted are meats that have been hunted during the paleolithic period, fruits and vegetables too. What is excluded are beans, grains, processed foods, and sugar. But if we are being honest, any program that has more restrictions will be harder to maintain in the long run. Plus with the modern-day lifestyle, it will be harder to balance it with your emotional wellbeing. Of course, if you are determined and strong-willed – we are rooting for you!

  1. Probiotics

You already know how beneficial probiotics are for your health, right? So why not turn that to your advantage for losing weight? They boost the immune system, control your bowel movement and maintain a healthy metabolism that will digest the food amazingly. Consuming yogurt with Lactobacillus will help in having healthy digestion and lose belly fat.

Simple Tips to include with dieting:

  • Eat smart and be mindful about the food you are consuming.
  • Bring the sugar consumption to an absolute minimum.
  • Include 10-minute daily exercises when able and try to be more active – at least 6000 steps a day.
  • Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
  • If you can, plan meals in advance.
  • Never forget to get a good sleep and rest.
  • If you like, monitor your calorie intake in a health/wellness app.
  • Make sure to surround yourself with people who will support you and not tempt you to break your weight loss patterns.
  • Monitor and celebrate every small victory that brings you towards your weight reduction goal.
  • Strengthen your mindset, will, and be strong to resist temptations. Meditate, do yoga or get out for a walk if you are craving something that will break the pattern.
  • And most importantly – always believe in your strength and determination to improve your health!

During the following years, we will witness many more weight loss trends that will push limits and embrace the modern-day lifestyle. For what is worth, you need to tailor the diets towards your way of living and decide how much you can implement in order to maintain emotional health as well. If you are willing to embark on that journey and improve your health – that means that the first battle has been won. Cheers to many more victories, we are with you!