Health – LetMeKnow The place to Learn and Grow Fri, 25 Jun 2021 15:34:57 +0000 en hourly 1 Health – LetMeKnow 32 32 What Do We Know About The Delta Variant of Coronavirus Fri, 25 Jun 2021 15:34:57 +0000 Continue reading What Do We Know About The Delta Variant of Coronavirus]]> The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to its knees. A pandemic unlike we have ever seen in modern times, it has revolutionized our lives in every way. From the way we conduct business to the way we travel; Coronavirus has impacted every aspect of life as we know it. As the hopes of returning to normalcy fill our minds and hearts with the rollout of vaccines, new strains of this novel virus continue to emerge as it mutates and becomes resistant to our already limited prevention and treatments. A new variant coined “Delta” has recently emerged and its extreme contagiousness and rapid spread are a cause for concern.

What Is The Delta Covid-19 Variant?

Delta made its first appearance in India, where it has spread like wildfire, resulting in exponentially rising cases, hospitalizations, and ultimately deaths. Considered to be one of the most contagious strains of coronavirus, Delta is up to 50% more contagious than the Alpha variant. Delta is gaining traction worldwide and poses a severe threat to reversing the decreasing infection numbers that have been a result of increased vaccination efforts globally.

Delta calls for increased concern as it is the most transmissible variant of Coronavirus to emerge, it spreads more easily than the original Alpha strain as well as the individual strains identified in specific red zones around the globe. The C.D.C. states that the reason for Delta’s rapid spread is due to its ability to bypass the antibodies our bodies create as a result of a previous infection, rendering the antibody treatments available to us less effective in preventing sickness. Delta variant has also proven to contribute to more severe symptoms and increased chances of hospitalization, as those infected with Delta were nearly twice as likely to become hospitalized due to the severity of symptoms, as found in a recent study.

Where Is Delta Variant Found?

Delta’s rapid spread makes it difficult to pinpoint its origin. Delta is a prominent variant found in India and Britain, accounting for more than 90% of the cases and counting. So far, the new variant has spread to over 80 countries, with the first case in the United States being detected in early March. It now makes up 20% of all infections in the US, as the case numbers continue to increase.

Is The Vaccine Effective Against The Delta Variant?

The vaccine, regardless of the manufacturer, has proven to be highly effective in preventing infections including novel variants. The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, specifically, is 93% effective against the Alpha variant, and a whopping 88% effective against the Delta variant, preventing symptomatic infection and reducing hospitalization rates. That number is significantly reduced for individuals who have received only a single dose of the vaccine, dropping to a low 33% effectiveness against this more aggressive variant. Individuals who did not receive a single vaccine dose are at a considerably higher risk of infection.

While Delta is cause for concern on a global scale, the effectiveness of available treatments against this strain does not indicate that there will be a resurgence of infection rates similar to those at the beginning of the pandemic. The continuously improved and researched vaccine options are an effective method of preventing the spread of the new variant and reducing overall infections. As more individuals continue to receive both of their vaccine doses, the numbers will continue to drop, regardless of the higher contagiousness of the Delta variant. According to researchers, Delta is less of a cause for concern than anticipated, so long as we continue to practice safety protocols and receive our vaccinations.

How to Increase Self Productivity Sat, 19 Jun 2021 19:51:21 +0000 Continue reading How to Increase Self Productivity]]> There are many days on my calendar that I wish I had done more. Studied more. Put in the work more. Maximized my hours to the fullest. It’s not uncommon to feel an overwhelming sense of guilt after an unproductive day – for me, it’s happened more than I’d like to admit. 

Logging into LinkedIn will have you feeling like there’s something you aren’t doing to get the results you want because everyone else is showcasing their highlight reels and groundbreaking milestones. Closer back home, the people in your team have hit their quarterly targets, you haven’t and there’s always that one person who seems to have it all together. Always on time, completing tasks, getting compliments for how great they’re doing their job. On some days you feel like you’re on top of the world slashing every goal you had on your to-do list and on other days you can’t pull yourself out of that social media rut and before you know it, you’re spending very little time doing productive things. 

The lifestyle #hustleculture has us believing that productivity is running ourselves to the ground with work and putting in an insane number of hours if we’re to produce anything significant. True as it may be, the working hard (hustling) part, does it really equate to productivity? Or have we just become busy bees who have so much to do and very little time to do it? With our attention spans getting smaller by every social media invention, is there hope for us who can’t commit to completing tasks within given periods? 

In her book, The Productivity Zone, Penny Zenker introduces a wonderful side to productivity that makes it something achievable – one that we can easily adapt to. She talks about how productivity isn’t related to time which is a concept we don’t have control over. You can’t stop time from moving and you can’t make it go faster. What we can control is our energy and how we can distribute it to the time we have. 

The problem we have is that we use a blanket understanding of productivity as defined by everyone else but us – and we measure how productive we are against other people’s results. You’ve probably googled how to increase your productivity and found the same old techniques; manage your time well, eliminate distractions, wake up early etc. But I’ve come to understand and define productivity personally by understanding the aspects associated with it. Elaborate for yourself what the following mean and how you can get the best out of yourself to ensure that you are truly showing up as your highest self every day;

  • Purpose – What is your why? Why do you need to do what you’re doing? Is it more than just what you can benefit from it? Structure your goals in a way that makes you feel you’re accomplishing a purpose. Make it meaningful. What’s the bigger picture of you being more productive? It could be that your work impacts people’s lives or makes things easier for others or simply gives you a sense of accomplishment. Think of yourself as a piece to a puzzle without which that puzzle wouldn’t be complete. Assign a great deal of importance to what you do even if it doesn’t look like it.
  • Language – We all have inner narratives that shape our self-view. If you’re constantly putting yourself down when you’re not productive then you’ll keep repeating the same cycle. Become aware of how you talk to yourself as you navigate your work. If something isn’t working out at the moment, don’t be so quick to label yourself a failure. Ask for help and know that there’s always a solution. If a day didn’t go so well, the sun will rise again tomorrow and you will try yet again until you get it right. Treat yourself with kindness when you miss the mark – you are a work in progress. Talk yourself into being the most productive person you know because it’s true if you believe it is.
  • Focus – we spend nearly 47% of the time we’re awake thinking about something other than what we’re doing. That’s a lot of time spent wandering and with an attention span of 8 seconds, the future doesn’t look promising in terms of productivity. Attention is one of the best assets we have and it can be used to destroy or build us. Just like technological algorithms are built to give you exactly what you want – to capture your attention for longer, you can also set up the systems that keep you focused for longer. Know what your objectives are, define exactly how you’ll meet those objectives, eliminate the distractions keeping you from achieving your goal, simplify the process and do more of what keeps you in your focus zone. This requires you to learn how your mind functions; some people work better with background music, practicing aromatherapy, working in non-formal environments – where and what time is your brain most alert?
  • Physiology – a healthy body, a healthy mind, a healthy spirit. Your overall well-being determines how productive you are. If you’re physically unwell, the pain will limit how effectively you get anything done. Same as your mental health – if you’re struggling to keep your head above water because of depression, anxiety, stress, or any other mental health issues then concentrating and putting in the effort will be hard. Productivity is not about how much you get done but how well you do what you need to do. Food affects your mood and we should consume meals that boost our serotonin levels which is a chemical in our brains that helps regulate our moods. Eat more healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Don’t forget to drink enough water, exercise, and spend time connecting with nature. Operate from a place of wholeness in all aspects of your being. Seek therapy if your mental health is affecting your work. Indulge more in what makes you happy – sometimes that’s all we need to get us in the zone.

Three Personal Productivity Methods to Use

  • The Eisenhower Matrix

On a piece of paper, draw a large plus sign; the X-axis (i.e the horizontal line) represents the level of urgency with the left side being the most urgent and the right side the least urgent. Your Y-axis (vertical line) represents importance, with the lowest importance at the bottom, highest at the top. You’ll have four boxes: Urgent and Important, Less Urgent but still Important, Less Important but Urgent, and Less important and Less Urgent. You can place all your tasks on a continuum within the boxes, giving you a clear visual understanding of what needs to be done now and what can (and should) wait.

  • Pomodoro/Sprints 

Break your tasks into manageable bits – decide on what you need to work on first, do it for 25minutes, take a five-minute break, repeat that four times then take a longer break – a 15-minute break. It works like a rewarding system. If 25 minutes is too short a period to complete a task, you can stretch the time to fit your needs.

  • Eating Live Frogs: Do the Worst Thing First 

Mark Twain is quoted saying, “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” Start with the most challenging and time-consuming tasks – when your energy levels are high and your concentration is at maximum. Once you get the hard stuff out of the way, do the easier tasks which may not take too much of your time and may increase your productivity levels. Don’t keep procrastinating on what needs to get done first.


The Importance of EQ: managing your own emotions & those of others. Fri, 21 May 2021 21:42:21 +0000 Continue reading The Importance of EQ: managing your own emotions & those of others.]]> I want you to go down memory lane and think about the BEST person you’ve ever met in any capacity – work, relationships, school-: Someone you interacted with for a significant amount of time enough to see how they treated you. 

Do you have them in mind already? Great! How did they make you feel? Or how did you feel when you were around them? I’m assuming the words range between appreciated, loved, cared for, valued, wanted, and other wonderful feelings. 

Now let’s cross the bridge to the other dark side. Think of the WORST person you’ve ever met and think of how they made you feel. I bet this is a memory you didn’t want us to bring up – my intention is not to harm you or bring up any past trauma. Let’s circle back to the bad feelings…. did that person make you feel insignificant, lazy, unwanted, crazy, unloved, unworthy? 

The purpose of bringing up both scenarios is for you to see how people show up EMOTIONALLY to others which is how Emotionally Intelligent they are. If the same questions were posed to people who know you, where would you fall? Food for thought.

The science of emotions

Neuroscience defines emotions as intricate reactions the body has to stimuli. A part of our brain is called the emotional brain and its function is to cause quick and automated responses to events around us. It helps us determine whether someone/something is safe or not which results in our fight or flight reaction. 

If we perceive a threat, our hearts start beating faster, blood pressure rises and we have short breaths – this emotional reaction happens unconsciously and instantly which may result in feelings of nervousness or anxiety. Our feelings happen when our brain registers emotional reactions or changes. 

Emotions are very important to how we function as a whole. They impact how we make decisions, behave and perform. How you feel determines how productive or unproductive you are. Name every emotion from the time you woke up to now. Make the connection between your emotions and how you performed or behaved. 

Positive emotions such as love, joy, pride, peace, hope, pride, and gratitude increase our dopamine levels which makes us more interested in activities and learning. They also make us more creative and open to new ideas. Negative emotions limit and weaken our thinking capacities which makes us biased, lose interest or our ability to think rationally.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Simply put, Emotional Intelligence (EI) also called Emotional Quotient (EQ) is how smart you are with perceiving, understanding, and managing your own emotions and those of others.

There are a few models of EI but I have found the Genos Model of Emotional Intelligence to be the most comprehensive one. It consists of a set of skills mainly; 

  • Self-awareness – recognizing how you feel and how it affects your behavior, decisions, thoughts, and performance. You know who you are; strengths and weaknesses.
  • Awareness of others – you perceive, recognize, and understand other people’s emotions, concerns, and feelings. Also called empathy – putting yourself in their shoes.
  • Authenticity – you stay true to yourself and express exactly how you feel without fear. You don’t dismiss your or anyone’s emotions and you genuinely care about them.
  • Emotional Reasoning – you use the information you have gathered from yourself and others to make appropriate decisions.
  • Self- Management – you handle your mood, emotions, time, and behavior in the best ways and you seek to improve your emotional state.
  • Positive influence – you leave an impact on other people by how you manage your emotions through accepting feedback, solving problems, and recognizing and supporting the people around you. 

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

You may be the most intelligent person in the room or your place of work but without Emotional Intelligence, the chances of you being completely fulfilled in life may be low. We are emotional beings and everything always comes back to relationships; with ourselves and others and EI is at the core of relationships. 

EI brings the balance you need because it helps you cater to all aspects of your being. If you become CEO of a company based on merit, you will need EI skills to manage people and the stressors the position brings. 

Emotional Intelligence matters because:

  • Your productivity greatly improves at school or work. EI adds to your wow factor of performance. You are a cut above the rest if you can easily manage the technical aspects of your work/school and the relational aspects. EI helps you be in control of workplace stressors and effortlessly get along with your colleagues, which contributes to career excellence. Research shows that employees with high EI levels display a 20% higher productivity rate than those with low EI levels. The World Economic Forum lists Emotional Intelligence as one of the top ten must-have skills in the workplace today.
  • Your relationships thrive. EI gives you an understanding of your and other people’s emotions so it becomes easy to build and maintain relationships. With EI, you make people feel heard and seen which gives you leverage with them. When people know that you’re not dismissive of their emotions, they easily trust you. You also become a better communicator of how you feel which not only makes your relationships stronger but also long-lasting.
  • Your mental health improves. Your mental health heavily relies on your Emotional Intelligence. If you’re not in control of your emotions, you can develop mental health issues like stress, anxiety, and depression which may make your everyday life more difficult. A lack of awareness of other people’s feelings can result in weak relationships which may leave you isolated and lonely. Without EI, you lack the right social skills to get along with people and you can find yourself on the losing end because you don’t inspire performance in others – all of which can affect your self-esteem and identity.
  • You are in good physical health. We have a mind-body connection which means whatever goes on in our emotional brain affects our bodies and vice-versa. If stress builds up because you can’t control your emotions, it will start to show up physically in form of fatigue, restlessness, irritability, high blood pressure, cardiac attacks, and strokes. The more you invest in building your Emotional Intelligence, the better you’re able to avoid and manage stress.
  • You become happier and have more peace. EI helps you cultivate more positive emotions than negative ones which enhances your overall well-being. If you’re happy at work and in your personal life you feel more fulfilled in life. You get more confidence to meet and connect with people because you’re genuinely interested in what they have to say and how you make them feel.

How to build your Emotional Intelligence

  1. Emotional Self-awareness

Map out your emotions and how they affect your life. The key is forming a connection and judgment free-zone within yourself where you aim to understand how you feel. Aim at becoming more conscious of your feelings without burying any of them. You can start by recognizing when you’re experiencing positive and negative feelings. Sit with them – feel, understand and be comfortable with them. How often do you experience certain emotions? What do you do when you experience them? Can you label your emotions? How do they affect your decisions? Practicing Mindfulness is a great way to make you more present with your emotions while accepting them. You can watch videos with guided mindfulness practices for a start.

  1. Emotional Awareness of Others

To have more fulfilling and lasting relationships, we need to be emotionally aware of others which means we are considerate of their thoughts, feelings, and opinions. The easiest way to do this is to train yourself to be truthfully interested in others by being fully present with them and practicing active listening. Think of how you would feel if you were in their shoes and how you’d want them to respond to you. Pick up on non-verbal cues because they communicate how people are feeling just as much as words do. If someone is fidgeting, it could be that they’re nervous or anxious. Think of conflict as a way to come up with solutions for the problem at hand not as a personal attack – this way you can maintain healthy relationships.

  1. Authenticity

Aim at staying as genuine as you can. People connect with honesty and vulnerability in you when they see that you aren’t afraid of your emotions and you own up to them. Openly admit and express both positive and negative emotions keeping in mind when to do it, how to do it, and to whom. Authenticity also involves honoring your commitments and following up with your word; people trust you when you show them that you do what you say.

  1. Emotional Reasoning

Now that you are aware of your and other people’s feelings, you should use what you know to guide your thought process when making decisions. Before you react, ask yourself what the outcome of your emotions will be – use facts and technical information to influence your decisions. What do you already know and can use to emotionally respond in the best way possible? A case in point is with many advertising and marketing materials; they use emotional appeal to sell their ideas and products – they know how to use the emotions of others to get buy-in. Emotional Intelligence makes you more creative and expansive in how you communicate.

  1. Emotional Self-Management

Life is generally not a walk in the park and we’re constantly met by difficulties that upset us and worry us. Learning how to control your emotions will help you manage your stress, behavior, and moods. You should be aware of the things you can control and the ones you can’t. You can control your words, responses, actions, and thoughts. In the heat of the moment, you can try breathing and grounding exercises to help you calm down. A good grounding exercise is the 5-4-3-2-1 method where you name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can feel, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. A simple breathing exercise is triangular breathing where you breathe in for 3 seconds, hold it in for 3 seconds, and breathe out for 3 seconds until you calm down. Conscious breathing is a powerful tool to help you relax, strengthen and open up your mind and body. Alternatively, you can take time out until you process all your emotions.

  1. Positive Influence

People can read your emotional reactions because they show up in your behavior towards them but you can influence how they perceive you by positively inspiring them. Work towards being someone people love to be around by being pleasant and welcoming. Make it easy for people to relate with you by being more open and by supporting them. Encourage and empower others and be there for them. This may be especially hard for introverts and people with social anxiety but it doesn’t have to be. The call here to is have good energy not to necessarily make friends with everyone. Be good and have pure intentions and people will be drawn to you.

The one thing you should take away

Craig Ferguson is quoted saying:

“Ask yourself the three things you must always ask yourself before you say anything.” 

1) Does this need to be said?

2) Does this need to be said by me? 

3) Does this need to be said by me now?”


Positive Affirmations and Mental Health Mon, 10 May 2021 21:19:37 +0000 Continue reading Positive Affirmations and Mental Health]]> In this age of hyper and toxic positivity – it can be easy for positive affirmations to be watered down to nice little phrases that you say and you’ll suddenly be okay. Positive affirmations are not a genie-in-a-bottle solution to your problems neither are they a quick-fix to whatever you may be dealing with. 

Affirmations are the words you speak. Whatever you say is a confirmation/declaration/assertion of your reality and it either be negative or positive. Scientifically, our human brains have a negative bias which means we are hard-wired by evolution to focus on the negative instead of the positive. 

We negatively affirm ourselves more than we do positively – we’re more self-doubting, cynical, and worried than we like to admit. It’s how we protect ourselves from unforeseen danger and uncertainty. Bad situations have a greater impact on us and it’s hard to heal years of trauma and pain – because of this negative bias. Even the ones who seemingly have a more positive outlook on life still have a negative bias in them. I’m the happiest go-lucky person I know but I still struggle with negative thoughts. 

So, if this is who we are deep down, is it possible to live by positive affirmations? And is it even necessary if our brains circle back to the negative? Yes, and yes! In my long-standing relationship with positive affirmations, I’ve come to understand them as lifetime companions I need to commit to. They are positive statements you say to yourself that are geared towards helping you achieve a positive outcome or reality.

The science of positive affirmations

Our homo sapiens brains are quite lazy – scientifically so. They resort to what they know and have lived by to survive. We’re not actually thinking – just recycling old thoughts, habits, and patterns. And this works a majority of the time because it keeps us alive – having all these preconceived notions of how our environment works and how we’re supposed to respond to it. But some of our biases and beliefs may limit us to the realities we’re used to so much so we don’t think outside the box.

No matter how limited our thinking looks and is, we have the gift of neuroplasticity – which is the ability of our brains to rewire themselves in the event of new development or information. We can train our brains to take a different path of thought than they’re used to and that’s where positive affirmations come in. The magic happens in due process and time when we allow our brains to master new directions of thinking than the usual negative ones. 

Positive affirmations are how you take your thinking power to the next level and eliminate the thoughts and beliefs that limit you. By saying positive affirmations, you’re exposing your brain to an expanded circle of awareness where you influence it to believe in the existence of a reality beyond what it’s used to and it will subconsciously start to pursue actions and signs to make it true. After which, you’ll start to consciously live in this new reality then change happens – from the inside out. This proves that positive affirmations are far from wishful thinking.

As wonderfully as neuroplasticity contributes to the efficacy of positive affirmations, we’re also limited (or not) by our mindsets which are either a growth mindset or a fixed mindset. A person with a growth mindset believes that they can change, grow, evolve while one with a fixed mindset believes that everything in them is fixed and they can’t change – nothing they say or do can transform who they are. For positive affirmations to work, we must exercise our neuroplasticity and have a growth mindset. 

The benefits of positive affirmations on mental health

  • They boost our self-esteem 

We can be very self-critical to the extent we self-sabotage and resign to the fate that we’re not good enough. Positive affirmations help us magnify our strengths and be proud of them while also allowing us to see our shortcomings as opportunities for growth. Instead of downplaying people’s compliments towards us, we say thank you – because we believe them to be true. They can also help us live in our true identity – as the highest versions of ourselves.

  • They help us manage stress and difficult situations better

Life is difficult and positive affirmations may not take that away but they can help us react much better. It’s easier to carry the weight of this life when your mindset is focused on the positive side of things. We become more resilient and hopeful that things will work out in the end and even if they don’t, we will be stronger for it.

  • They are an instant mood booster

Once you get in the habit of saying positive affirmations as things you believe, they work like a charm in improving how you feel. Saying them in the morning gives you the energy lift you need to handle everything that day will bring. Saying them when you’re sad will make you smile at the very least. Saying them before you go in for an interview, will give you a little more confidence. Think of them as the secret weapon you always have inside you.

  • They program us into positive thinking

Positive self-talk is a key aspect of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) which builds on the premise that our thoughts, emotions, and actions are all connected. By identifying and examining the patterns of our emotions and thoughts, we can then reframe them towards more positive and helpful ones. 

  • They can help manage depression and anxiety

Living with a mental health issue is not easy and one requires all the help they can get to manage it better. By saying positive affirmations, one can by reduce the bouts of lingering sadness and despair. They are also a good grounding technique for generalized anxiety disorder where one can counter the thoughts of worry and tension with those of hope and positivity. 

How to create practical positive affirmations

  • Know yourself – The key to successful positive affirmations is self-awareness. Who are you and what do you want to achieve or change in your life? Let your values guide you.
  • Be specific and realistic Don’t be vague or general. Hit the nail on the head with the facts about yourself and your situation. You need to believe what you’re saying otherwise it only remains a wish. 
  • Write affirmations positively Remember that your brain believes and highlights negativity more so if you say, “I am not afraid” It focuses on the fear ahead not your elimination of it. Make your affirmations positive, “I am confident.”
  • Write them as if they already are – work backward from the goal. Visualize yourself as already living in the state you want to. That message hammered to your brain as true will make you start acting like it. Say your affirmations in the present tense, “I am successful in this job interview.” 
  • Repetition is key – You won’t suddenly become confident just because you said so one time. Repeat it to yourself as many times as you can until it naturally comes to you. Neuroplasticity works over time as you feed your brain new information that it needs to adjust to. 
  • Be your number one fan be passionate about the things you say. Believe them so much that you’re not bothered when others try to convince you otherwise. The truth is that most people will think that you’re only wishful thinking but this is your journey and you know what you want to achieve from the inside. Say your affirmations meaningfully.

Examples of affirmations

  • I love myself
  • I take care of my body and exercise every day
  • I see the beauty in everything
  • I am worthy
  • I am confident
  • I communicate clearly
  • I am a positive person

Parting shot

You spend your entire life with yourself – having inner conversations and crafting narratives that shape everything you do. Make them positive. Life’s too short to hang in the balance of chaos and negativity. If for nothing else, practice positive affirmations to put yourself in a healthy mental space – you deserve that.


London’s latest Fitness Trends & why they’re here to stay Mon, 10 May 2021 21:13:35 +0000 Continue reading London’s latest Fitness Trends & why they’re here to stay]]> “Unprecedented times” was one of the most overused phrases of 2020, but for good reason. As the global pandemic upended every aspect of daily lives, the ways in which we became and stayed fit and healthy was no exception. 

Traditional gym sessions, group sports and face-to-face personal training was replaced by all things virtual. The onset of the COVID-19 crisis turbocharged the shift from brick-and-mortar workouts to digital ones. It’s a transformation that experts believe will not entirely be reversed, despite the easing of lockdown and re-opening of gyms.

Let’s look at the latest top fitness trends in the UK that are likely to stick around.


Of course, this is far from a new trend. But figures show it has hugely grown in popularity in the past year. In the four months to June, the NHS Couch to 5km app was downloaded 858,000 times – up 92% compared to 2019. Recent data from EE also found that fitness app MapMyRun usage doubled and Strava downloads tripled. One look at the swathes of runners flooding London’s parks while gyms were closed was further proof that many people had swapped their gym passes for phone armbands and hit the running trails. Any runner will tell you that starting out is the hardest part and that the “Runner’s high” is waiting just around the corner from those agonizing, breathless-filled first few months of regular jogging. So, the trend is likely to continue throughout 2021.

The Great Outdoors

Running wasn’t the only outdoor sport that gained more lovers. One million people in the UK bought a bike during lockdown. The number of outdoor classes offered on ClassPass rose by 400% in 2020. Social media feeds were littered with tips on London’s best walking routes and hiking trails. Most gyms have kept up their outdoor class offerings and there’s no shortage of cyclists on the roads – a sign again that the taste of The Great Outdoors has brewed a big and enduring appetite among Londoners. 

Digital classes and flexible fitness

The pandemic saw lockdown fitness favourites like Joe Wicks harnessing technology to keep school kids active, while personal trainers and yoga instructors became Zoom and Skype experts overnight. Well, maybe the expertise did not arrive instantly for everyone and some struggled with mute buttons more than others, but the standard, quality and range of virtual workouts available across the fitness industry massively improved throughout 2020. Remote personal training and subscription-based heartrate monitoring apps like FIIT have continued to attract interest this year. Parents juggling childcare and busy students with no time to commute grew to appreciate the ease of living room workouts, a convenience that has proven too precious for many to abandon as normality returns.

Virtual challenges

This trend is similar, but it’s about using smartphone apps and trackers not only for routine exercise but to train for events and challenges that are completed online. Well, you can’t exactly run a marathon on a device, but you can track it there. That new concept inspired the 2020 Virtual Virgin Money London Marathon, which saw more than 30,000 runners from all over the globe take on a course of their choice on the same day. The virtual event is returning alongside the traditional marathon later this year. Virtual races planned for this year range from 5km runs to ultra-marathons. In fact, organisers of multi-day ultramarathon series Ultra X have made their 2021 qualifier races entirely virtual. Digital cycling challenges have also taken off. The new word ‘everasting’ relates cyclists climbing the 8,848m elevation height of Mount Everest and comparing their times. On Strava, there were 600% more successful ‘everesting’ rides in June 2020 compared to the same period in 2019 – and they remain popular.

Digital wellbeing and mindfulness

Being restricted from seeing loved ones, the constant bombardment of negative news as well as the instability and uncertainty that the pandemic brought upon our lives understandably took its toll. One Health Foundation study found more than two-thirds of adults in the UK said they felt somewhat or very worried about the effect COVID-19 is having on their life, including feeling worried about the future, stressed and anxious. We realised more than ever that fitness is related not only to physical aesthetics but also mental wellbeing. More people began using smartphone apps teaching mindfulness and meditation or offering professional counselling. Holistic fitness which targets both the mind and body such as yoga and Pilates has grown so popular that companies such as Fable are offering mindful movement series on YouTube.

Eye yoga

While there are many benefits of having digital alternatives to most aspects of our lives, the added screen time inevitably comes with collateral damage.  Research by the College of Optometrists found that 20% of adults thought their vision had deteriorated during lockdown. 

That’s where Eye Yoga comes to the rescue. It may sound bizarre, but it makes sense. Our eyes have muscles and muscles must be exercised to stay healthy, despite where they are in the body. FaceGym has started one-to-one workouts which guide users through gentle movements and massages of the eyes and surrounding areas. The sessions not only help the eyes, but also tackle tension in the jaw, neck and head. A quick pre-work face workout is believed to help reduce headaches as well as face and shoulder tension throughout the day.

Micro workouts

Workout completed in seven minutes… where do I sign up? With the increased flexibility of the location of workouts, the demand for a greater variety of exercise lengths has also risen. Most gyms have seen a rise in demand of popular HIIT workouts, which are short explosions of high intensity interval training ranging any length from three minutes to 20-minutes. Smartphone apps including the 7 Minute Workout Challenge and Fiit offer a growing number of shorter workouts – giving you just enough time to break a sweat. The variety of HIIT classes offered include a mix of cardio, strength and rebalancing.

10 Leading Weight Loss Trends in 2021 Sun, 09 May 2021 06:28:59 +0000 Continue reading 10 Leading Weight Loss Trends in 2021]]> We hear about new weight loss trends emerging almost every year. Some rise and crash, but some are here to stay for a long time. Depending on how well the diets are adapted to the modern lifestyle and fast living, some truly set the tone for a healthy living standard, valiantly fighting obesity and being overweight.

With the pandemic locking us in and shifting our focus towards excessive snacking and more cooking activities; weight reduction takes over the spotlight in 2021. Unfortunately, the trend of connecting losing weight with starving yourself is still popular. Yet, to clear the confusion, dieting means adopting a new healthy lifestyle that will help you safely reduce your weight. Contrary to popular opinions, no, you don’t have to starve. In fact, nowadays there are so many diet trends that are fitted to any way of living and for any body type or metabolism. Not only do they create a healthy eating habit, but proper diets strengthen cardiovascular activities and level up the whole body’s performance! To add to your amazement, diets have proven to improve your emotional wellbeing and boost confidence! 

Interested in losing weight? Good! Because we have compiled a list of the newest tips & weight loss trends in 2021 that are already setting strong foundations for healthy living. 

  1. Mediterranean Diet

Even though this lifestyle diet isn’t all that new, it is constantly in the spotlight as one of the best ways to lead a healthy life and reduce weight. The Mediterranean approach that encompasses Italian, Greek, Spanish, and French coastal culinary habits; has proven to be one of the most popular choices and being number one in the weight loss trends. But why is it so popular? Well, in short, it doesn’t include following harsh rules – this diet is about eating mindfully and smart. Instead of counting calories, it teaches that it is important what you eat that will make an impact on your weight and health. Think more in terms of eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, seafood, seeds; but also consumption of nutritive fats from nuts, avocado, olive oil, and a moderate amount of wine! Fantastic right? While on this diet it is recommended to stay clear of processed meat, processed food in general, sugars, and trans fat. That only rule will definitely improve your overall health, with an accent to lowering the chances of heart attacks, diabetes, or strokes. Not only it is great for weight reduction but it boosts overall body performance. Although for faster results, it is recommended to more or less keep the daily intake of calories to 1500. By eating plentiful vegetables and fruits, you will feel full and not starved at all. If you don’t count calories, it is estimated that the weight loss can be up to 10% of body mass in a period of one year. The best news? What is lost won’t come back!

  1. Intermittent fasting

A refreshing approach that focuses mainly on WHEN not WHAT. Intermittent fasting is all about when you should eat and in which time frame. The basic way is 16:8 – 16 hours of fasting and eating within the 8 hour period. Some might say that it is a way to create an eating pattern and not exactly a diet, yet all diets are about creating some kind of pattern in daily habits. What the fasting includes or better said – excludes, is the breakfast. Shocker right? Many would say that breakfast is the most important meal but this lifestyle begs to differ. In fact, in the morning the body has its own way of burning extra fat and doing its magic. So if you break the fast with breakfast (pun intended), you will disrupt the natural process. Intermittent fasting recommends postponing and having lunch directly. If you have the meal at noon, then you are allowed to eat in the next 8 hours but without unnecessary snacking. For best results when it comes to losing weight, we recommend an 18:6 or 20:4 pattern that will narrow the time when you are eating so your body has more space to burn extra fat. Before breakfast, you can have your coffee ritual but unsweetened. Remember that reducing your sugar impact will have great benefits for your health and give extraordinary results with any diet.

  1. Dash Diet

DASH stands for dietary approaches to stop hypertension. Because more people have problems with hypertension and heart conditions, this Dash diet was born with the sole purpose to elevate the health of those who are prone to consuming more saturated fats. The key elements are focused on low-fat and low-sodium, replacing processed foods with nutritious. It is also recommended to limit the intake of red meat and alcohol. Furthermore, this approach suggests that exercising for 2 and a half hours per week will greatly improve the chances of losing fat. If you or someone that you know has heart conditions, this diet would be perfect for them, limiting their intake of sugars and saturated fats in general.

  1. Flexitarian Diet

If you are already thinking that this is a vegetarian-based lifestyle only, you couldn’t be more wrong! Even though the diet includes intake of vegetables as much as possible, it doesn’t restrict other foods, not even meat. The key is to incorporate a vegetarian kind of way that will also include moderate intake of other calories and foods. By following a meal plan that has the 3-4-5 program, your calorie consumption will be as follows: 300 calories for breakfast, 400 for lunch, and 500 for dinner. In between, you will be able to snack on something that has up to 150 calories, making a total sum of 1500 daily. The Flexitarian diet is perfect for you if you aren’t a great fan of meat and just love veggies. Plus it doesn’t follow a strict schedule, you will be able to mix and match recipes!

  1. Vegan Diet

This weight loss trend is going strong as the years pass. Some people might be terrified of the term Vegan and not eating dairy, eggs, and meat. This of course is a way of life that will also result in losing weight. Indeed, some choose this from an ethical point of view but many also discover a possibility for weight reduction. But in order to achieve that, you must also reduce the intake of sugars, even pasta – since all those variants are with high calories and won’t necessarily help you lose weight even if you are vegan! If you are that person who approaches this lifestyle with both reasons, ethical and weight loss, then congratulations! You will be most likely to stick to it because the moral values will keep you alert.

  1. Volumetrics Diet

Many consider this to be a leading diet concerning the weight loss trends in 2021. The simple reason behind it is that it includes consuming food that gives high energy and has high nutrition while staying low in calories! Sounds incredible right? The meal plans include a generous intake of fresh vegetables & fruits, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. This diet is more about what you eat, knowing the food, and knowing its nutritive value. What you have to have in mind is that this diet will NOT exclude other foods like other diets, it will only give you a high focus on moderation. Of course, eating less processed and unhealthy food is something that is encouraged for losing weight.

  1. Nordic Diet

Quite far in terms of geography but very close to the Mediterranean Diet! The nordic approach has been taking its stand in the weight loss trends and it is definitely one of the most popular choices in 2021. Similarly, it includes the intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables and a high focus on lean proteins that are found in the sea. Naturally, olive oil is replaced with canola oil that is exuberant in omega 3 and monounsaturated fats! But there is also a punchline. You are allowed to eat snacks like crackers that are made of whole grains but are amazingly tasty! The diet will lower your cholesterol, inflammation and prevent heart diseases. However, we understand that not everyone is a fan of seafood. If you are one of those people then this diet won’t be suitable for you and we would recommend selecting another weight reduction program!

  1. Keto Diet

We know, every time you go online whether on Pinterest, Facebook or Instagram; you will see so many posts about this diet! It has been here quite a while and continues to rate high in the weight loss trends in 2021. Why is it so popular you ask? Well, you are allowed to eat meat and many kinds of dairies like butter and cheese – and who doesn’t just love those! There is naturally a catch and that is a restriction of sugar consumption, even from fruits! The essentials include replacing your carbs with fat and protein. There is also a lot of controversy about this diet, mainly because not eating fruits won’t get you needed vitamins, and others think that it is not really weight loss but water loss. Even so, there are many who find it suitable for their lifestyle, resulting in massive weight reduction in a short amount of time. Yes, it is very popular but highly restrictive and we wouldn’t recommend it for people who can’t stick to rules. It isn’t also suitable for those with heart or kidney diseases – keto involves a lot of fat consumption.

  1. Paleo Diet

Another popular choice when it comes to the weight loss trends, still going strong even after a decade! Without a doubt, this is one of those weight reduction diets that will be dominant in the foreseeable future. With its meal plan, you will be able to enjoy chicken meat and fish, along with nuts and berries. What is highlighted are meats that have been hunted during the paleolithic period, fruits and vegetables too. What is excluded are beans, grains, processed foods, and sugar. But if we are being honest, any program that has more restrictions will be harder to maintain in the long run. Plus with the modern-day lifestyle, it will be harder to balance it with your emotional wellbeing. Of course, if you are determined and strong-willed – we are rooting for you!

  1. Probiotics

You already know how beneficial probiotics are for your health, right? So why not turn that to your advantage for losing weight? They boost the immune system, control your bowel movement and maintain a healthy metabolism that will digest the food amazingly. Consuming yogurt with Lactobacillus will help in having healthy digestion and lose belly fat.

Simple Tips to include with dieting:

  • Eat smart and be mindful about the food you are consuming.
  • Bring the sugar consumption to an absolute minimum.
  • Include 10-minute daily exercises when able and try to be more active – at least 6000 steps a day.
  • Don’t forget to drink plenty of water.
  • If you can, plan meals in advance.
  • Never forget to get a good sleep and rest.
  • If you like, monitor your calorie intake in a health/wellness app.
  • Make sure to surround yourself with people who will support you and not tempt you to break your weight loss patterns.
  • Monitor and celebrate every small victory that brings you towards your weight reduction goal.
  • Strengthen your mindset, will, and be strong to resist temptations. Meditate, do yoga or get out for a walk if you are craving something that will break the pattern.
  • And most importantly – always believe in your strength and determination to improve your health!

During the following years, we will witness many more weight loss trends that will push limits and embrace the modern-day lifestyle. For what is worth, you need to tailor the diets towards your way of living and decide how much you can implement in order to maintain emotional health as well. If you are willing to embark on that journey and improve your health – that means that the first battle has been won. Cheers to many more victories, we are with you!

The Benefits of Veganism and the Future of the Food industry Sun, 09 May 2021 02:26:39 +0000 Continue reading The Benefits of Veganism and the Future of the Food industry]]> Veganism is everywhere these days and on the rise. Through social media and television, the public is becoming more and more aware of what goes into their food. What is a vegan diet? When someone is vegan, it means that they don’t consume any animal products at all. Vegans typically don’t even consume animal by-products such as butter and honey.

However, veganism is more than just the latest diet or fade. Veganism is a way of life. People make the switch to veganism for a couple of reasons but the top two are either for the love of animals, or the health benefits. In 2018 there was a study done by the Gallup poll reports that about 3% of people in the United States are fully vegan and notes that sales of plant-based foods are rising.

The risk of these conditions can be reduced with a vegan diet:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Stroke
  • Obesity
  • Some cancers including prostate and colon cancer

What are the benefits of veganism?

  1. Reduced Risk of Cancer

We have all heard that fast food and preservatives are bad for us. Animals contain some of the most preservatives and carcinogens in our food. Whatever the animal consumes, we eat it too. If an animal is fed GMO’s, that filters through their bloodstreams, into our meat. In fact, there was a study done on the effects of meat and cancer found in the human body! Done in 2015 by  The World Health Organization (WHO), red meat was named a Group 2 carcinogen. This means it probably causes cancer in humans.

  1. Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Meat contains high amounts of trans fat and saturated fat. These can cause an increase in blood cholesterol, which we all know leads to cardiovascular diseases the closer it gets to the heart! Cholesterol in your blood vessels can increase the number of fatty deposits exponentially. Over time this leads to a higher risk of a stroke, heart disease, and peripheral artery disease. 

The number one food group that contains no dietary cholesterol by nature, of course, is plant-based foods. A recent study done in 2018 by the Cleveland Clinic shows that eating red meat could increase the risk of heart disease. Some documentations even show a 1,000 percent higher risk with a meat-based diet than a plant-based diet.

  1.  Reduced Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes has been a long stretched battle since the beginning of the industrial era. Lately, more research is finding that a plant-based diet could actually reduce the risk of developing diabetes. If diabetes is caught early on, a plant-based diet might even reverse the disease altogether.

2000 adults participated in a study tracking their vegetable intake. Those who consumed more vegetables vs meat over the course of 20 years, lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Some individuals even lowered their risk by 60 percent.

Brooklyn Borough President Adams says in an interview about his health reversed his diabetes diagnosis by adopting a plant-based diet. This concept is backed up by research. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) began recommending a program to diabetes to help them adopt a plant-based diet to reverse their condition if found early enough.

  1. Weight Loss

Studies show that people who are actively on a vegan diet tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those following any other diet, typically with meat. Vegan diets are more effective for weight loss than omnivorous and semi-vegetarian. When focusing on a healthy vegan diet, it’s even easier to get all your micronutrients in. On top of that, many meals in the American diet containing animal products are high in fat and calories. This includes burgers, fries, and anything smothered in butter. It is important to note that being vegan does not automatically make someone healthy. It just makes it easier to be healthy. There are still many processed and high-fat plant-based foods, which some people refer to as a junk food vegan diet.

  1. Improved Mood

People who ate whole plant foods in a recent study by The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, PCRM, reported fewer symptoms of depression. A different study found that vegetarians on average experience more positive moods than meat-eaters. Through these studies, the Nutritionist Geeta Sidhu-Robb said in an interview with Nutrition Journal, “The elimination of long-chain fatty acids, which is present in meat and is associated with depression, means you are less at risk of suffering from it.” She then continues to say, “Vegan diets also have more complex carbohydrates, increasing the feel-good hormone serotonin in the brain.”

  1. Healthier Skin

A healthy plant-based diet could boost your beauty by helping your skin stay healthy. Dairy is showing up in studies as one of the number one causes of acne, as it’s an inflammatory food. On top of that, dairy products contain growth hormones. If treated with artificial hormones, dairy can interfere with the human body’s hormone system. Our skin is our biggest organ, which is connected to our hormone system, feels the changes dairy brings upon it.

  1. Higher in Nutrients

When you begin to cut out meat after eating it for years, you begin to notice how much you have to rely on other foods. Your world will open up to beans, vegetable alternatives, a variety of grains, and more. These foods typically end up making up a larger proportion of the typical vegan diet. The variety alone gives more opportunity to intake a higher amount of nutrients daily. Several studies have reported that vegan diets typically provide more fiber, beneficial plant compounds, and antioxidants. 

Veganism can boost the amount of:

  •  Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Folate
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C 
  • Vitamin E 
  • Zinc

Keep in mind you have to plan your diet, just like any diet, to reach your daily needed nutrition levels. Poorly planned diets, whether vegan or not, can cause a lack of essential vitamins and nutrients such as essential fatty acids, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, iodine, or zinc.

  1. Saving the Bees

Honey is often forgotten about but is still very important in our ecosystem. Those who live a vegan lifestyle go without honey. This could actually have a positive impact on bee populations. Bees are considered to be an important species on the planet and they are slowly dying out. Without bees working their little stinger off, fruit and vegetable stocks will start to decline. Approximately 250,000 species of plants that flower rely on bees for pollination. 

Thankfully with veganism becoming more popular, there is an alternative for everything! “Bee Free Honee” is an ethical brand that makes “fake honey” out of organic apples. There is another alternative called D’vash Organics. They claim to be the world’s first sweet potato honey. You can also use well-known alternatives such as maple syrup, cane sugar, date syrup, or agave nectar.

  1. Less Deforestation

Raising animals for food requires large amounts of land, labor, and deforestation. The Amazon fires actually put blame on the beef industry since farmers intentionally burn down sections of the rainforest to make room for herds. Research by Oxford University completed an analysis of farming’s impact on the planet in 2019. They took data from around 40,000 farms in 119 countries, and what they found might shock you! 

Beef production requires 36 times more land than any type of plant-based protein ranging from soy to peas. The scientists went on to say that if everyone were to go vegan, global farmland use would drop by 75 percent. That amount, to put it into perspective, is about the landmass size of Australia, China, the EU, and the U.S. combined! 

  1. Smaller Water Footprint

According to UNEP, a meaty burger requires more than 3,000 liters of water to produce. A vegan meat burger requires 75 to almost 95 percent less water. That’s already an improvement on our mark on this earth!

Animal-based diets are known as “highly water-intensive”. Major meat companies confess that 92 percent of the planet’s water footprint is linked to agriculture. Livestock makes up one-third of the figure. We no longer live in a world where we need farm animals to survive and with our population growing so rapidly, it might be time to switch to an alternative anyway.

The Future of The Food Industry

We all saw the changes when soy milk was the new craze of the century. Now the popular milk choice is oat milk when just last year it was almond milk! Veganism is the fad of the 21st century and is only expanding. The only meatless patty used to be beans, and now it’s a whole science of ingredients. Most grocery stores these days have entire freezers dedicated to plant-based protein options. You can buy anything from vegan burgers to meat alternatives like chicken strips. 

Major companies such as Tyson, Beyond Burger, and Unilever are investing in meatless options. Veganism is obviously not going away any time soon. According to a 2018 report on the global vegan food market, its value is up by $14.2 billion. But that’s not all. It’s even expected to reach $31.4 billion by 2026! This is seen on a global scale. Studies done in America show that 30% of Americans are seeking out meat alternatives in restaurants, and even more in grocery stores. Food industries have noticed that the average person is becoming more selective in their food habits as they read the news and educate themselves on their food choices to avoid severe health issues. 

Dairy alternative beverages are also on the rise. The primary ingredients consumers look for in their milk as switched from cow milk to almond, oats, soy, and coconut.  The future is looking bright for vegans, even those just starting out! Fast food locations are also making the switch with some menu items. Taco Bell has introduced more bean and potato options for their vegan customers. Del Taco has a Beyond Beef taco now, and for only $1!

The clean beauty industry of make-up and skincare is showing an interest in veganism. They label products as cruelty-free and vegan now, and it’s bringing in more customers.  Sustainability and veganism are not just important as a diet anymore, but also in our everyday items at home. Skincare companies are making the switch in any way they can, with every ingredient they can.

Getting Started With Plant-based Food 

The change from an unrestricted diet to something as restricted as veganism can seem so difficult it becomes disheartening. Sometimes all it takes is to follow in the right direction, one step at a time. Finding new recipes you enjoy can really motivate one to push forward for the benefits of health, mind, and body. There are many ways to create a diet, vegan or not, so it can be nutritious and contain all your needed vitamins and minerals.

Plant milk is lower in calories than cow milk and has cleaner ingredients. Instead of cow milk, start your change by adding a plant-based alternative into your coffee in the morning. Plant milk contains less saturated fat and manufacturers will often enrich them with vitamins and minerals. Plant-based cheeses, yogurts, and butter are also very common alternatives on the market. 

Some Common Vegan Alternatives:

  • tofu
  • tempeh
  • mushrooms
  • potatoes
  • jackfruit
  • eggplant
  • lentils
  • beans and legumes
  • cauliflower
  • nuts
  • peanut butter and other nut butters 
  • beets

5 Steps to a Vegan Lifestyle

 1. Go Meat-Free on Mondays

If you’re not sure where to start, meat-free Monday is becoming a commonly practiced ritual. Avoid meat for one day a week, just one day! This can help you make the transition into a vegan lifestyle by making it seem a little less intimidating. It allows you to try new foods and recipes as well! After a few Mondays, maybe you’ll move onto meatless Monday and Thursday. This will just get the ball rolling!

2. Watch Documentaries

Screens are everywhere, so you might as well use them for good! Research your food more, find out what you’re eating and why. Look into documentaries that explode the meat industry. Some of the most popular documentaries are, “What The Health,” and “Rotten.” They really show the dark side of the agriculture business. It’s sad but true, and this is a truth that is right in our faces but very few are listening. 

3. Read Up

If you’re not one to watch films, try one of the many books out on the market on veganism! There are recipe books, life-changing autobiographies, and many more. A thought-provoking book could be your ticket. “How Not To Die” by Michael Greger teaches how one can consider food to be medicine. Quickly growing into a New York Times bestseller, the book includes a multitude of studies on how one’s diet can prevent or cause disease, such as diabetes. 

“The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II is another best-selling book on the plant diet. It talks about the health benefits of sticking to organic, natural, and vegan living. Jonathon Safran Foer’s book, “Eating Animals” dives into what it means to eat animals in a modern, industrialized world.

“The Sexual Politics of Meat” by Carol J. Adams reaches into feminism with a vegan twist. The book explores the meat, dairy, and egg industries. “Gristle: From Factory Farms to Food Safety (Thinking Twice About the Meat We Eat)” by Moby and Miyun Park talks about how our food choices impact the world. They say this includes not just us but also bugs,  animals, our public health, and the planet.

4. Fall In Love With Food

As we talked about earlier, sometimes all you need is that one amazing recipe or a small change. There’s no need to kill off your relationship with food just because you’re plant-based and/or vegan now! The 21st century is the perfect time to be a vegan! There are food alternatives all around us. You can easily buy a meatless burger or fry up some tofu “chicken” wings.  If you’re a bookworm, check out the book “So Vegan in 5” by Roxy Pope and Ben Pook. This book has become famous for its affordable, yet simple vegan recipes.

 In, “But I Could Never Go Vegan” Kristy Turner writes about the stereotype that vegan food is boring and tasteless. Cathy Fisher’s “Straight Up Food” is another famed recipe book based around, not just vegan recipes, but gluten-free recipes as well. If this is all a little too difficult for you to deal with, You could invest in a meal planner. There are plenty of options and apps these days.

5. Connect With the Community

Community is at the heart of every journey. People say you become who your closest 5 friends are. If you join a community that is supportive, like-minded in veganism, and have the same goals as you, then making the switch can be much easier. This is also a great way to keep yourself motivated during your vegan journey! Facebook has vegan groups for each area, which include recipes, tips on vegan living, and sharing experiences. So even if you’re from a small town that is just discovering the vegan lifestyle, its still possible to gain a community.

Top 10 Meditation Techniques & Their Mental Health Benefits Thu, 06 May 2021 15:26:15 +0000 Continue reading Top 10 Meditation Techniques & Their Mental Health Benefits]]> There is no doubt that you have probably heard about meditation, but what exactly is this peaceful practice all about and what does it entail? Do you picture Zen masters sitting like statues on the edge of a towering cliff overlooking breathtaking and mountainous landscapes when you imagine meditation? While this is certainly one way to have an incredible meditation session that will send you into pure tranquility, the wonderful thing about meditation is the fact that it can be practiced anytime, anywhere.

What even is meditation? Meditation is the practice of calming the mind, heightening awareness, and integrating an increased sense of presence into one’s life through various techniques. Meditation can in fact be traced back to around 5000 BCE, and possibly even further than that. The practice has cultural ties to places such as China and Egypt, as well as religious connections to Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism – among others. Today, though, meditation is growing with immense popularity due to the incredible benefits it can have when regularly applied withing someone’s life. There are really no downsides when it comes to meditation, which makes it such a perfect habit to integrate habitually. There are endless options out there of different videos and apps that are available online that aim to guide people through meditations, which is especially helpful if you are new in this journey and are not sure exactly how to begin. 

Meditation is just like any other exercise in the sense that the more you time and effort you put into meditating consistently, it will progressively become easier and something that you will start to crave after experiencing all the various advantages and benefits. Meditation is not about controlling the thoughts or forcing the mind to do something specific, but rather letting the thoughts come and go as they are and without judgement. There is no one “right” way to meditate, and different techniques continue to develop as time goes on. We have prepared a guide for you consisting of some of the latest meditation techniques and exercises, and we will go into detail about the different benefits that this age-old practice can have on mental health. 

Common Meditation Techniques

  1. Guided Meditation

This digital age that we are living in has made assisted meditations incredibly accessible to anyone with a reliable internet connection. With guided meditations, you are peacefully led by an instructor that calmly talks you through your meditation by helping you mentally go inward. This is a great way to start out if you are a beginner to meditating and you are not sure how to go about it or stop your mind from racing away. The instructor in guided meditations has the aim to keep you focused on things like your breathing, and they may use imagery to help you detach from any thoughts you are having trouble letting go of. 

  1. Breathwork While Meditating

A great way to amplify any meditation session is by integrating different forms of breathwork into it. There are many different styles of breathwork, for example breath of fire or alternate nostril breathing, so some may resonate better than others with you and your practice. Breathwork is great because it has shown to physiologically decrease anxiety, stress, and even your blood pressure. There are claims that breathwork can even have immune boosting effects and increase your overall sense of confidence. Focusing on something like the breathing instead of thoughts that may be speeding through your mind helps you go deeper into your meditation, which results in receiving more benefits out of your practice in general.

  1. Mindfulness Meditation

With mindfulness meditation, the main goal is to be as present as possible with the thoughts and the physical body. Mindfulness meditation brings all your attention to the here and now, and you will become deeply conscious of what physical sensations appear as well as what thoughts float by. This style of meditation aims to ensure that no judgement is placed upon your thoughts, because you will eventually learn that you are not your thoughts, but rather just the observer of them. When mindfulness meditation is utilized regularly, this trickles into the other moments throughout your days and allows you to be more present and aware even when you are not actively meditating.

  1. Mantras

A mantra is a certain word or phrase that can be repeated while you are meditating. A mantra can be of your choosing, or you can use one that is frequently used in meditation customs. Reciting a mantra either out loud or in your mind helps bring your focus to this, ensuring that you do not get lost in your thoughts. Mantras (such as “Ohm”) also create soothing vibrations that help relax the mind and body, which is why they are so commonly utilized. Choosing a word or phrase that resonates well with you and meditating with it can help rewire your brain and help you embody it more fully. For example, if you use the word “love” or “abundance” as your mantra, you will inherently start to represent it after meditating with it for some time, even if you are not consciously trying to do so.

  1. Walking Meditation

If sitting or lying down silently while you are present with your thoughts is not your cup of tea, that is no problem. Walking or active meditations are great for those who do not find solace in being still during meditation sessions. The aim during walking meditations is still the same, which is to bring the mind to the present and to be the observer of your thoughts and surroundings. A gentle exercise like walking while focusing on the present can have superbly soothing and calming effects, and many find that they are able to become more present this way than by sitting still with their eyes closed.

  1. Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is a very spiritual style of meditation that is characterized by integrating mantras into your practice, which aim to bring upon a very deep level of awareness. This type of meditation was introduced by a Yogi with the name of Maharishi Mahesh in the 1950s. The goal of the mantras is to form specific vibrations and energies within the body and mind that result in a more intense sense of self and consciousness. This is one type of meditation that needs to be taught by someone that is qualified to do so, but many have found transcendental meditation to resonate well with them. Many claim to experienced diminished stress, increased creativity, and a higher sense of self-awareness after being taught transcendental meditation.

  1. Journaling

A technique that complements any meditation practice phenomenally is journaling before or after (or both) you meditate. Taking the time to actively write down any thoughts before you meditate can make you aware of certain things and meditating on them can help process and transmute them. Journaling after a meditation can aid in bringing new realizations to light, and these realizations may stick with you more substantially now that you have written them down. Journaling is a therapeutic and cathartic way of releasing emotions and thoughts, which makes it such a perfect technique and companion to something like meditation. Plus, you can hold onto your journals for years to come and look back on them and see how much your perspectives have possibly changed over time.

  1. Visualizing

With visualizing during meditation, you can sit and turn your attention to specific scenes in your mind that are calming and help you detach from your thoughts. People often visualize themselves on a relaxing beach, in a tranquil forest, or in a minimalist space that promotes utter serenity. You can also visualize places or scenarios you would like to be in, as this has the potential to attract these outcomes into your life. With active visualizing, you think about the way it would feel in every sense to actually be in this moment. Consider how it would smell, what you would see and taste, how it would sound, and how it would feel overall to be here. Directing your attention on how it would feel to be in a certain place is great for those that do not find comfort or enjoyment in quieting the mind and just observing the thoughts. This way, the thoughts are still calmed, but the attention is concentrated elsewhere.

  1. Group Meditations

A meditation technique that is becoming more popular is the act of practicing with a group. This is often done in a class setting, and it has the opportunity to really level up the mental state during the meditation significantly. It may be easier to stay focused when you are in this state with others and with an instructor to help guide you, and the overall energy that can be felt during the meditation can sometimes be practically felt. If the group that is meditating together has a common goal or intention set, the effects can potentially be amplified quite considerably. 

  1. Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini meditation is a form of meditation that works with the energy throughout the body’s focal points, or chakras. Kundalini is believed to be a serpent-like essence that rests at the base of the spine and rises and moves energy throughout the body during this style of meditation. This is a very ancient practice that dates back to around 1,000 BC. Kundalini meditation became more popularized around 1960, and it is now commonly practiced throughout the world. The benefits that can come from Kundalini include more energy, an increased sense of intuition, and a higher sense of self. Breathwork and mantras are often included in this form of meditation, as the goal is to utilize these exercises to more effectively move this energy throughout the physical body. 

Meditation Effects on Mental Health

One of the many beautiful things about meditation is that it has the ability to absolutely transform the mental state in the very best way possible. Meditation takes you into a state into deep relaxation and presence, which immensely helps with melting all the stressors and troubles of the outside world away. An increased sense of self, confidence, and peace can come as a result from meditating on a regular basis. The most difficult and daunting part of meditation is typically the act of finally just taking the plunge and committing to it. Once all of the many benefits that come as a result of meditating are felt, it becomes even more difficult to avoid making any amount of time for this practice every day, since the benefits are so boundless.

  • Decreases Anxiety

Consistent meditation has shown time and time again to decrease anxiety a significant amount, whether it is mild or more severe anxiety. It might seem way too intimidating to try and meditate if you experience anxiety, since this practice does rely on quietly observing the mind and thoughts that show up in a nonjudgmental manner. If sitting or lying down to meditate does not feel like a good fit, incorporating walking or another form of active meditation into your week might work best. One of the most prominent effects of meditation is how calm the mind and body feel as a result, and this can be felt for quite some time after the meditation is complete. The more this is practiced, the more the effects can be felt and for a longer period, as well. 

  • Lowers Stress

Something that goes hand in hand with decreased anxiety is lowered stress. Going inward and tuning out the noise of the outside world is remarkable in diminishing the stressors of everyday life. Meditation brings you into the present moment unlike anything else, which can make the big and small things that we are constantly worrying about seem much more insignificant. Stress comes with a lot of unwanted side effects like high blood pressure, anxiety, and headaches, so it’s wonderful that such a peaceful and harmless practice can significantly reduce these. The only time we ever exist in is now, and meditation helps us truly see and experience this fact firsthand. 

  • Aids in Treating Depression

With meditation, your thought patterns and overall mindset slowly but surely alters in astounding ways. If you happen to struggle with depression, you might often feel a sense of hopelessness and anger that is extremely difficult to shake. In meditation, we discover new was to observe the thoughts and feelings that arise without judging them. This allows us to change our perspective on these negative thoughts or feelings, and it can assist us in accepting them as they are – therefore accepting ourselves as we are. Numerous studies have shown that meditating can ward off depression notably, and not just temporarily, either.

  • Diminishes Insomnia

If you find yourself constantly struggling with falling and staying asleep, meditation has the potential to considerably aid in this frustrating issue. Research has consistently shown that regular meditation can diminish insomnia remarkably, and energy and focus levels throughout the day typically increase, as well. Meditating is a relaxing experience that calms the mind and body, no matter what approach of it you decide to take. This stays with you throughout your day, and it will help you fall and stay asleep more easily. Anxiety can sometimes play a huge role in insomnia, which we already know is decreased by meditation. 

Mental health concerns absolutely need to be taken seriously and not overlooked, and you should always meet with a professional in the field if you find yourself struggling with your mental state. Meditation is a fantastic and useful tool to integrate into your life, and it can perfectly complement most other approaches for improving mental health, as well. It is best to not rely on a singular facet when looking to overcome mental illness, but working meditation into your routine and pairing it with other forms of therapy or prescribed medication can be more effective than utilizing any of these approaches on their own. There are really no apparent mental health downsides when it comes to integrating meditation into your daily routine, just further proving it to be such a phenomenal tool available at our disposal.


Whether you are just starting out your meditation journey or have been incorporating this practice into your life for a while now, there is certainly always room to grow and deepen your practice exponentially. Hopefully you have gained a bit more insight into the world of meditation, and maybe you have even learned about a new technique that you can now incorporate into your life. The mental health aspects that come with meditation are also practically endless, and this is an area that every single person on the planet can benefit from in one way or another. There is a good reason that meditation has endured the test of time, and that is because it is something that so effortlessly brings us back home to ourselves and feels so incredibly natural and right. Remember that the only moment we ever have is now, and with habitual meditation, we can start embodying this in a more abundant manner.


Horseback Yoga and Laughter Yoga: Looking Past Perceptions Thu, 06 May 2021 15:15:00 +0000 Continue reading Horseback Yoga and Laughter Yoga: Looking Past Perceptions]]> Looking Past Perceptions to Get to the Heart of Trendy Yoga

As you move deeper into your practice, you will find that yoga offers a world of benefits and elements. There are so many yoga styles and various paths you can take with this unique practice.

When we bring to mind yoga styles such as goat yoga, beer yoga, and even naked yoga, many would agree that some yoga styles are unquestionably more unique than others – so unique that these styles have earned the name “trendy.”

So, what makes a yoga style “trendy”? Typically, a yoga practice is considered trendy if it is a variation of yoga that is attention-grabbing in some way. For this reason, many of these yoga styles are criticized as there are yogis who, for understandable reasons, find them bewildering and even disconcerting. At first glance, they can seem like an interpretation of yoga designed for the financial benefit of those who license these amusing ideas.

When we break free from tradition, what happens is we typically lose a little bit of the original intention or purpose of something, so it is up to each of us to decide which yoga styles benefit us the most and are worth practicing. The only way to do this is by transcending the trend – we must learn and experience it for ourselves and dig deeper to find what about each practice connects us more deeply to ourselves or the natural world, despite the name of a yoga style or what someone else might call it. The same holds true for traditional yoga styles.

The beauty of looking past the image a particular yoga class presents to us is that if we give it a chance, we can see that a so-called trendy yoga class was designed for reasons that do not actually stray from the authentic or original principles and benefits that all other yoga styles offer. Two of these yoga styles are growing in popularity, becoming part of today’s yoga landscape: horseback yoga and laughter yoga.

Horseback Yoga

What is horseback yoga?

You aren’t entirely off base if the first fundamental element of yoga you think of when you think of yoga on horseback is balance. Though horseback yoga, also referred to as mounted yoga, equestrian yoga, and cowgirl yoga, requires a lot of balance, it does not require horseback riding experience. Though it will help you maintain balance on these gorgeous 1,300-pound animals, no prior yoga experience is necessary to try horseback yoga. The postures you might practice in a horseback yoga session are beginner-friendly, all-level poses – at least when performed on level ground.

What type of postures are commonly practiced during horseback yoga?

  • Simple breathing exercises
  • Table-top and cat-cow
  • Camel pose
  • Downward dog
  • Hip openers
  • Shoulder stretches
  • Lateral stretches
  • Deep twists
  • Spinal twists
  • Savasana

Who practices horseback yoga, and why should I?

Horseback yoga is open to anyone. Although, it is worth noting that it is a popular practice amongst equestrians who wish to complement their regular training because it enables them to connect better with their horse, which can improve their overall riding performance. The stillness and awareness that horseback yogis must cultivate help equestrians develop better spatial awareness and acceptance of their riding ability and learning curves.

So, what is the benefit of developing a connection with your equine partner for non-equestrian yogis? Well, when you cultivate a deep connection with the horse, you can foster a deeper connection with your inner self. Horses are intuitive animals who can pick up on our emotional energy, becoming a mirror for our inner psyche and emotional state. A horse’s heart, on average, is about ten times the size of ours, and their calming presence can influence us to become calm. They become in sync with their riders to the point where they help bring our energy centers into balance, promoting a healthier life for both the human and the horse.

What are the benefits of horseback yoga?

Horseback yoga is a rewarding experience because it invites you to step out of your comfort zone. Horseback yoga requires you to become almost hyper-aware of everything from your body placement and alignment, breath, and core. Meanwhile, in other yoga practices, it is easy for the mind to wander and lose your sense of centeredness.

Because it will be almost impossible for you to think about anything else while you are balancing on the back of a horse a few feet up in the air, horseback yoga helps you become present. You will not just be going through the motions but tuning into the incredible and gentle support of the horse beneath you. You may find that if you try this style of yoga, you will return to try it again because of the connection you fostered between you and the horse rather than what trendy pose you can try next on their back.

Laughter Yoga

What is laughter yoga?

What comes to mind when you think of laughter yoga? At first, it’s easy to believe that something with a name like this might involve a yoga instructor who stands in front of the class telling jokes as you flow through postures. Yet laughter yoga involves voluntary laughter, meaning the students learn to laugh on their own. The person who created this modern form of yoga understood that you cannot always depend on external influences to make you laugh.

How laughter yoga got its start

Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician from Mumbai, started the laughter yoga movement in 1995 after realizing that he wanted to find what life could offer him apart from his original dreams of being rich and famous. After researching laughter’s health benefits, he realized it was something that should be a part of people’s daily lives. His first laughter club began at a public park with his wife and few people telling jokes and laughing together. Gradually more people would join, and this club led to the development of 5,000 more laughter clubs worldwide.

Kataria wanted to seek the purest form of laughter. He and his wife had practiced yoga for many years, so he started teaching laughter exercises. He began to incorporate deep diaphragmatic breathing and prolonged exhales into his laughter classes. That is when laughter yoga, or Hasya yoga, came to be – “Hasya” being the Sanskrit term for laughter. Kataria aimed to build a community of people who believe in love and laughter, and his exercises are based on something he called “breakthrough technology,” where people can learn to laugh for no reason.

What can I expect in a laughter yoga class or teacher training?

A laughter yoga session will typically begin with standard warm-ups before moving onto a series of deep breaths where you will fill your lungs with air and then release with a big laugh.

The bulk of the class is laughter exercises, involving going around the room to greet each student with eye contact and laughter. At this point, many people feel awkward because their laughter is or feels forced, which Kataria affirms is okay – the body doesn’t recognize the difference between real laughter and fake laughter. The effects and benefits you experience from forced laughter are essentially the same as spontaneous laughter.

Why practice laughter yoga?

There are countless reasons why you might choose to practice laughter yoga because laughter truly is the best medicine. This type of yoga can promote healing, reduce stress and tension, and improve your ability to manage hardship. It will also improve your quality of life by increasing your circulation and energy levels and strengthening your immune system. Kataria describes laughter yoga as a means to prep the mind and body for happiness because when your body chemistry changes, you can experience greater joy.

Apart from the mental and physical body benefits, laughter yoga helps reinforce a sense of playfulness in our lives – something most of us lose sight of after childhood. This is likely because we are more critical or opinionated in what we consider funny once we grow up, meaning we laugh from the mind. Children, on the other hand, laugh from their bodies. These are the two sources of laughter that Kataria demonstrates in his teacher training sessions.

The bottom line on horse yoga and laughter yoga

Yoga is a practice that can open our eyes to much more than we could expect or think possible. Still, sometimes making the most of our practice requires us to first open our minds to the things we didn’t think could transform us – mind, body, and heart. If we can see past our initial judgments or perceptions and try something new, we might come to enjoy yoga styles like horse yoga and laughter yoga for how refreshing, grounding, and awakening they are.
As with anything you do in life, what you put into yoga or want out of it is what you will achieve. Whatever yoga style you choose is up to you, as this is your journey. You can develop your own purpose and intention for practicing, and if that means your overarching goal for yoga is to build a stronger or more stable core, then these two practices certainly have you covered! If your goal for yoga is to evolve continually and experience more opportunities to practice essential yogic principles like non-judgment, consider opening yourself up to more “trendy” yoga classes. You might find the practices that open up your eyes and mind the most are the same ones that open up your heart.


Top 10 Health Trends in Australia in 2021 and Beyond Mon, 03 May 2021 20:57:32 +0000 Continue reading Top 10 Health Trends in Australia in 2021 and Beyond]]> Are you curious to find out what the latest health trends Down Under are?

Or perhaps you’ve decided to focus on your wellbeing in 2021 and are looking for inspiration to guide you through this new adventure? 

Well, you’re not alone!

Indeed, while COVID-19 has affected billions of lives in many ways, it has also renewed Australian consumers’ interest in nutrition, health, and overall wellness. 

In fact, 80% of Australians report that wellness is now more important than ever to them. And with 32% of Aussies stating that they are feeling stressed or extremely stressed, the spotlight is no longer just on physical wellness. 

Now, you might have guessed it; the key to wellness in 2021 is holistic health!

That’s because, after a long and difficult 2020, Australians are aware that their overall health is a holistic affair. And as a result, they’re consciously looking after their mental and emotional wellbeing too. 

Got you intrigued?


In this post, we’ve highlighted for you some of the biggest health and wellness trends in Australia. You’re welcome 😉

Foods Supporting the Immune System are in High Demand

The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us the importance of a healthy immune system to protect us against viruses.  

So naturally, consumers have been educating themselves on how to boost and strengthen their immune system through their diet. That’s because certain foods such as garlic, ginger, or spinach contain ingredients with antioxidant properties that can help boost the immune system.

Indeed, a recent study has revealed rising demand for food with specific functional benefits such as strengthening the immune system across Asia-Pacific, including Australia. Besides, another study showed that 60% of consumers are looking for food options that can help support their immune system.

And because 80% of immunity cells are located in our guts, Australian consumers are also turning to foods that support gut health, like probiotics. So, probiotic-packed foods such as yogurts, kombucha, or kefir are now high on Australians’ shopping lists.

Functional Ingredients Impacting Mental Health are More Important

As mentioned in the introduction, Australian consumers are adopting a more holistic approach to health. As a result, they’re now increasingly seeking formulations that reinforce both physical and emotional wellbeing. 

For instance, studies show that a diet high in vegetables, fruit, and fish can reduce the risk of depression. As for nuts, they’re an excellent food group to consume for a good night’s sleep.

And while the pandemic has boosted consumers’ interest in functional foods that support stress management, improve mental health and promote better sleep, the trend was already here. 

Indeed, over the last few years, the need to slow down has been exacerbated by the rise in stress-related conditions in a productivity-driven society. 

So with the devastating consequences of the pandemic on consumers’ mental health, more and more food and drink formulations are now naturally designed to provide solutions for mental and emotional wellbeing, creating a new foundation for healthy eating.

The recent increase in local product launches promoting stress management, relaxation, and sleep aid confirms this trend. Some of these products include Twinings Sleep or Rescue Remedy Stress Relief Sugar Pastilles.

And in the future, Australians will most likely continue to seek functional formulations to support their physical and mental wellbeing.

The Rise of Mindful and Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating

From the Duncan, DASH, and Atkins diets to the 1200-calorie diet, the last few years have seen the number of diet options multiply. And some of them have taken the world by storm via social media. Now, we don’t know about you, but some of these diets, like the baby food diet, have got us all confused!

Well, the great news is that in 2021, consumers are becoming more interested in taking a no-diet approach by favoring mindful and intuitive eating over fad diets. Indeed, they no longer want to cut entire food groups through restrictive diets. Instead, Australians are getting back in touch with their body signals.

Not sure what this means? Let us explain!

Intuitive eating is an approach to nutrition that encourages you to listen to your body signals to guide your eating behaviour. The idea is pretty simple. You’re simply supposed to eat what you feel like eating, whenever you feel hungry, and stop when you’re full. In fact, intuitive eating is the opposite of a diet where you follow food rules and adopt restrictive eating habits. However, while intuitive eating allows the consumption of all foods, it doesn’t promote a poor diet. In other words, intuitive eating hasn’t been designed so that you can eat ice cream for dinner every day but more so that you can enjoy it every once in a while;) Yes, moderation is key here!

And intuitive eating is resonating with Australian consumers as they are now increasingly focusing on body hunger signals to adapt their eating habits. Many no longer eliminate demonised food groups from their diet as a whole (yes, carbohydrates, we’re talking about you). Instead, they pay more attention to the impact of certain nutrients on their body and mind. 

Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is also on the rise in Australia. This approach is all about taking your time while you eat and enjoying what you’re eating. 

This form of meditative eating allows you to:

–  Stay in the present

–  Take a break

–  Enjoy a whole new sensory experience

–  Better manage your weight

In fact, Australian scientists have discovered that it takes up to 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full. So, when eating mindlessly, you’re most likely to eat a lot more than with mindful eating! 

As Australians are trying to adopt a more holistic approach to their health, they’re increasingly harnessing techniques, such as mindful eating, that allow them to slow down and alleviate daily stress.

Plant-based Alternatives Continue to Grow

Did you know that Australia was the third fastest-growing vegan market in the world?! 

Indeed, plant-based diets high in vegetables, legumes, grains, and fruit have gained popularity Down Under over the last few years. This success stems from a growing awareness of the environmental and health impacts of mass animal consumption. Of course, it’s also due to animal welfare concerns. 

And the trend is here to stay! As a matter of fact, in 2021, the number of Australian consumers embracing the trend continues the rise. According to a recent study, 10% of Aussie consumers are vegan, and 20% of consumers have already embraced flexitarian eating, significantly reducing their meat intake. 

Besides, in its recent Australians’ Eating Habits and Food Trends for 2021 report, Deliveroo revealed that 43% of Australians are now actively seeking to replace some meat dishes with plant-based options. What’s more, 49% plan to incorporate dairy-free alternatives such as almond milk into their diet this year. 

So, take note! Veggies are no longer served on the side as more sophisticated plant-based menu options place vegetables at the center of the plate, and local supermarkets, restaurants, and even major burger chains are offering more and more plant-based alternatives to consumers.

Better Sleep for Better Health

Did you know that sleep deprivation could make you sick?

In the same way some functional foods can promote a better immune system, so can sleep! 

Indeed, research has shown that sleep is tied with our immune system. This means that people who tend to lack sleep can catch viruses more easily. That’s because sleep is vital to enabling the body to repair and the mind to recharge. 

Now, remember how we told you Australian consumers are educating themselves on strengthening their immune systems? 

Functional foods and sleep are naturally getting all the limelight in 2021!

From sleep affirmations and bedtime workouts to sleep aids, more and more Aussies are looking for ways to get better sleep and boost their immune system.

And Pinterest is spot on when they write, ‘’sleep care is the new self-care and Zzz time is the new me time’’.

Self-Care Becomes a Priority

Self-care is becoming a priority, with consumers consciously caring for their physical and emotional wellbeing.

And one of the biggest trends in the space is radical self-care. Now, radical self-care goes beyond enjoying a bubble bath with a glass of wine or going out with friends to relax. It’s all about acknowledging the importance of your mental health and seeking help and ways to cope when you feel it necessary. 

In 2021, the help comes from:

– Consulting a therapist

– Practicing meditation and mindfulness

– Journaling

Therapy is No Longer a Major Taboo

While one in five Australians had a mental health condition before the pandemic, research revealed that this number rose to a whopping 80% in 2020! Many practitioners even revealed being fully booked for months. And unfortunately, this trend is here to stay. Indeed, experts predict that financial hardship due to the pandemic will impact Australians’ mental health for a long time. 

But the good news is that the concept is no longer as taboo as it used to be. In fact, as many Australians are recognising the need for mental support, seeking professional help is no longer a taboo topic. 

Meditation and Mindfulness Are Increasingly Popular

While many are looking for professional mental support, not all Australians are after clinical help.  

Indeed, many are also taking the time to check in with themselves by practicing meditation and mindfulness. 

In fact, meditation and mindfulness are rapidly becoming part of the new norm Down Under. 

And after a year marred by lockdowns and isolation, Australians are enjoying outdoor meditation more than ever. Health and wellness retreats are even seeing more and more consumers flocking to their establishments, seeking to relax and re-energize, while thousands simply practice on the beach. How amazing! 

After all, nothing represents the Australian way of life better than people doing headstands by the beach, jogging down the road, or surfing at sunrise before jumping on the bus to work!

But, the pandemic coupled and the stress of daily life have accelerated the shift towards a more mindful approach to exercise. They’ve also increased the practice of staying grounded every day through meditation to support overall health and wellbeing. 

Ever heard of breathwork? 

It refers to breathing exercises and techniques that help improve spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing. And in 2021, it’s one of the biggest Australian trends in the meditation and mindfulness space! 

Journaling Becomes Part of Aussie’s Daily Routine

As part of the self-care trend, Aussies are also embracing the benefits of daily journaling. 

Research has shown that regularly journaling can help alleviate depression and anxiety and allow you to heal from past traumatic events.

So, it’s no surprise that journaling is on the rise across the board, including in Australia, as people use it as a way to stay grounded, express their stress and frustration, and heal from difficult experiences.

Switching off with Mini Digital Detoxes 

With the whirlwind of negative news across the world over the last few years, there’s a growing interest in switching off from the media. 

Now, we don’t mean living off the grid for weeks and foraging your own food! 

And we don’t mean staying at a wellness retreat for weeks and leaving your phone at the door either. After all, this is unrealistic for many of us!

Rather, the latest trend is to take smaller breaks from digital devices, apps, and social media. 

A mini digital detox can include:

  • Deleting an app for a couple of days
  • Switching off social media in the evenings
  • Going for a long walk without any phones or electronic devices 

This can help you be more present in the moment. It can also allow your mind to recharge and alleviate stress and anxiety caused by negative news and information overload.

We’ve highlighted below two of the most popular destinations in Australia for mini digital detoxes:

  • Kakadu National Park: visitors can only catch a signal in Jabiru, Cooinda Lodge Kakadu, and Bowali Visitor Centre. This makes the stunning park the ideal spot for a mini digital detox!
  • Hinchinbrook Island: this pristine island offers designated mobile coverage spots to visitors, turning it into a favourite for people who want to switch off.

Australian hotels such as the QT Hotels are also harnessing the trend by offering ‘’power down’ packages. Visitors who opt for this package are asked to hand their phones over for 12 hours.

A Final Word

Another health trend to watch in 2021 includes virtual fitness, with 47% of Australians continuing to choose virtual fitness options at least once a week. Lastly, Aussies are increasingly using wearable medical devices to achieve their overarching health and wellness goals. Indeed, in a more holistic approach to health, wearable devices are now tracking stress in addition to sleep and steps.

This completes the picture for wearables allowing people to track their physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing!

We hope this article provided you with useful insights and sheds some light on the latest health trends in Australia.
